The objective of this research is to find out the forms of social critics in the Swami’s songs. The method of this research was descriptive method and contextual approach, which is gone through to lay open or to know the meaning peep at the song lyric pursuant to song context, in this case mean the social criticism in swami’s songs. Based on analysis result, the writer concludes that the forms of social critics that Swami used in their songs is there are three parts, they are the first is deviation of conglomerate, which has divided into four parts that is deviation of executive, deviation of functionary, deviation of politicians, and deviation of Bourgeoisie. The second form is insulting of proletariat which has divided also into two parts are insult of trader of cloister and insult of laborer. The third forms is deviation of human being in generally and this form there is not division like both of social critics forms before.
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