Journal of English Language Teaching Development <p align="justify">Journal of English Language Teaching Development (jelted) is academic articles to spread, promote and encouraging enquiry into relationship between theoretical and practical studies in the field of English Language, Teaching and Education. Jelted is regularly published twice a year in March and September, and it is published by Pusat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (p3i) Faculty of Letters of Universitas Muslim Indonesia. The journal invite contributions in such areas of foreign language teaching and learning, language in education, language planning, language testing, curriculum design and development.</p> PUSAT PENERBITAN DAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH (P3I), FAKULTAS SASTRA, UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM INDONESIA en-US Journal of English Language Teaching Development 2963-5918 THE EFFECTS OF ONLINE SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION <p>This research is "The effect of online small group discussion on students' reading comprehension". The purpose of this study is to examine 2 cases, namely: (1) What is the effect of online small group discussion on students' reading comprehension, (2) What is students' perception of the effect of online small group discussion on students' reading comprehension. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online small group discussion on students' reading comprehension, to determine students' perceptions of the effect of online small group discussion on students' reading comprehension. Implementing learning to understand English reading. This research uses quantitative methods. In this study, researchers used purposive sampling to collect data. This study was attended by 30 participants and this research was conducted at the English Department of the Indonesian Muslim University, Makassar. The results of this study indicate that the use of learning with the small group discussion method in the network is quite effective in improving students' reading comprehension. In carrying out this research, the research uses zoom and whatsapp applications. so that it is difficult to follow the lesson, but it can all be overcome by re-meeting. These results can be a reflection for teachers and students to be even more active in learning to understand English writing or scripts.</p> Muhammad Ihzan Nurdin Noni Muhammad Basri Jafar Muhajir Muhajir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 2 1 9 POLITENESS STRATEGIES USED BY THE FIRST SEMESTER EFL STUDENTS’ IN ONLINE CLASSROOM INTERACTION AT UNISMUH MAKASSAR <p>This research highlights the politeness strategies used by the first semester EFL students in online classroom interaction at UNISMUH Makassar. The objectives of this research were: (1) find out the types of politeness strategies used by the first semester EFL students in online classroom interaction (2) examine the reasons why the first semester EFL students use politeness strategies in online classroom interaction (3) explore the lecturers’ perception about the politeness strategies used by the first semester EFL students in online classroom interaction. This research used descriptive-qualitative method. The subject of the research consisted of three classes in the first semester English Education Department at UNISMUH Makassar. The data were collected by using observation checklist, audio recorder and interview guides. The result of this research revealed that (1) there were four politeness strategies used by the first semester EFL students in online classroom interaction at UNISMUH Makassar, they were bald on record strategy, positive politeness strategy, and negative politeness strategy and off record politeness strategy. From a total of 220 utterances, the most frequently used strategy was bald on record politeness strategy (109 times), positive politeness strategy (43 times), negative politeness strategy (65 times) and off record (3 times), (2) the reasons why students used politeness strategy were to make comfortable communication, create harmony, mutual respect, make the class calm and peaceful, and build intimacy and solidarity to avoid disputes and misunderstandings,(3) In lecturers' perceptions, in order to be polite in online classroom interaction, the first semester EFL students used greeting, saying farewell, apologizing, permision, give deference and good cooperation in class. The lecturers highly appreciate and have a good perspective on the politeness strategies used by the EFL students in online classroom interactions.</p> La Sunra Abd. Halim Sri Arna Nengsi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 2 10 16 LEARNING MODELS USED BY THE EFL TEACHERS ON ENGLISH LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN LIMITED FACE TO FACE LEARNING IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 CEMPA <p>This study is descriptive qualitative research. This study aim to find out the to determine the way teachers implement the learning models in teaching and learning process in limited face to face learning, to find out the learning models are used by EFL teachers in teaching English in limited face to face learning and to find out the Learning media used by the EFL teachers in teaching English. The subjects of this research are four English teachers in Junior High School 1 Cempa Pinrang. The data were collected through observation and interview. This research found that (1) English teachers in Junior high school 1 Cempa implements Problem Based Learning, Project Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Direct Instruction. Jigsaw, Role playing, and Picture and Picture. (2) English teachers in Junior high school 1 Cempa implements learning model in a different ways. Each teacher has their own way in teaching. Most of the teacher implemented their learning model in a very good way that did all the steps according to the theory even though only one teacher teaches based on the RPP (3) Learning media in limited face to face learning are picture, video, flashcard, voice recorder and PowerPoint, smartphone application and textbook.</p> Rezkiani Rezkiani Kisman Salija Asfah Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 2 17 27 MULTILINGUAL INTERACTION IN THE EFL CLASSROOM AT SMA NEGERI 4 TAKALAR <p>This research was conducted to determine the multilingual interaction in the multilingual EFL classroom between students and teachers. This purpose of this study was to determine the multilingual interaction and the perception of EFL teachers on students' multilingual interactions in EFL. This research used a descriptive qualitative. The subjects were six students and one English teacher in setting SMAN 4 Takalar. Researchers used classroom observations and interviews as research instruments. This reveals and illustrates that multilingual interaction in students' EFL classes is very rarely used because in general students mostly use the Makassarese compared than combining Indonesian with English. That the interaction in classroom is, classified into categories, namely teacher-student interaction, teacher-student interaction (i) student-teacher interaction, and student-student interaction. Several student interviews also found that some students use social media as a method of mastering their language so that they are not rigid in terms of interaction even by using multiple languages at once. Meanwhile, the teacher's perception that stands out about the interactions carried out by students is the lack of vocabulary they use, so that the teacher can distinguish which students have high and weak levels of multilingual interactions in the classroom.</p> Siti Wahyuni Saing Chairil Anwar Korompot Sukardi Weda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 2 28 32 THE USE OF WORD MAPPING GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' VOCABULARY MASTERY AT MTs NURUL JIHAD SAOHIRING <p>The objective of this research is to know about the use of word mapping game in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The research was conducted at MTs Nurul Jihad Saohiring. The method of the research was pre-experimental. The procedure of the research consists of a pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The subject of the research was the 28 students of the VIII grade. The results of the research are to compare students' vocabulary before and after using the word mapping game. The development of the data indicated a significant difference between pre-test (63.142) and post-test (84.285). It means that the mean students' scores in the post-test were more critical than the pre-test, and there was a different value between pre-test and post-test. <em>Word mapping game </em>could improve the students' vocabulary mastery. Word Mapping game could change the students to be active learners as they are involved in the activity and automatically learn by doing.</p> Strahayu Fadillah Andi Hudriati Salmia Syarifuddin Muhammad Natsir Ede ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 2 33 43