Language Styles of Advertisements In High End Magazine

  • Hariratul Jannah Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Sumirna Sumirna Akademi Bahasa Asing UMI
  • Nurhikmawati Nurhikmawati Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Language Styles, Advertisement, Magazine


The objectives of the research are to know how the language styles are used in advertisements High-End magazine and to know the kinds of language styles used in advertisements High-End magazine. This method of writing is descriptive by exposing aspects of language style contained in High-End magazine. In this study, the data obtained from High-End magazine, published in January 2014. The samples taken are 20 types of ads. In conclusion, there are eight kinds of language styles used by advertisers in High-End magazine. The language styles are the parable, metaphor, personification, prolepsis or anticipation, oxymoron, alliteration, asyndeton, and assonance.



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