Focus and Scope

The journal is a venue for scientific studies and peer-reviewed journal. We welcome submission from across the world. Authors are encouraged to submit articles and research discussions related to both theoretical and practical aspects of language, literature, and culture. Our aim is to provide a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue that fosters a deeper understanding of these interconnected fields, exploring innovative approaches and critical perspectives that enrich our comprehension of human expression and communication.

Authors requested to submit, primarily, but not exclusively, are academicians, practitioners, graduate students, and others interested in language, literature, and education research. Our goal is to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share innovative ideas, theoretical insights, and empirical findings related to a wide range of topics and perspectives.

The scope of Tamaddun includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

Linguistics: Prof. Dr. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd., M.TESOL.

  1. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
  2. Sociolinguistics
  3. Psycholinguistics
  4. Corpus Linguistics
  5. Historical Linguistics
  6. Computational Linguistics
  7. Discourse Analysis
  8. Language Acquisition and Learning
  9. Language Teaching and Pedagogy
  10. Language Policy and Planning
  11. Language and Technology

Literature: Prof. Dr. Mantasiah R, M.Hum.

  1. Literary Theory and Criticism
  2. Comparative Literature
  3. World Literature
  4. Genre Studies
  5. Textual Analysis
  6. Author Studies
  7. Adaptation Studies
  8. Literature and Other Arts
  9. Children's and Young Adult Literature
  10. Translation Studies

Culture: Dr. Brendon Marshall, B.Hons., M.Appl.

  1. Cultural Studies
  2. Intercultural Communication
  3. Popular Culture
  4. Media Studies
  5. Film Studies
  6. Folklore and Mythology
  7. Cultural History
  8. Cultural Anthropology
  9. Identity Studies (including race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality)
  10. Postcolonial Studies

In addition to the areas outlined above, the scope of Tamaddun includes the following subfields and themes:

Multimodality and Semiotics: 

  1. Multimodal Discourse Analysis
  2. Visual Communication and Literacy
  3. Semiotics of Culture
  4. Digital and Social Media Communication
  5. Non-verbal Communication

Cognitive Approaches to Language, Literature, and Culture:

  1. Cognitive Linguistics
  2. Cognitive Poetics
  3. Cognitive Approaches to Cultural Studies
  4. Embodied Cognition and Language
  5. Narrative and Cognitive Science

Language, Literature, and Culture in Education:

  1. Language and Literacy Education
  2. Teaching Literature in Multicultural Contexts
  3. Intercultural Competence in Education
  4. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
  5. Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Education

Language, Literature, and Culture in the Digital Age:

  1. Digital Humanities
  2. Electronic Literature and Digital Storytelling
  3. Social Media and Online Communities
  4. Digital Preservation and Archiving
  5. Computational Approaches to Text Analysis

Language, Literature, and Culture in the Global Context:

  1. World Englishes and Other Global Languages
  2. Globalization and Cultural Flows
  3. Transnationalism and Diaspora Studies
  4. Cosmopolitanism and Global Citizenship
  5. Language Endangerment and Revitalization

Creative Writing and the Creative Process:

  1. Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
  2. Voice and identity
  3. Writing Pedagogy
  4. Comparative and transnational perspectives on creative writing
  5. Translation and the circulation of creative works
  6. The impact of cultural exchange on creative writing practices
  7. Explorations of cultural, racial, gender, and sexual identity in creative writing

The major criterion expected for publication in Tamaddun Life is the concern of the contribution article impacts both practices and theory in language, literature, and education in precision analysis and the cohesion on the focus and scope. The Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture is committed to expanding the horizons of traditional research areas, embracing innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies that foster new knowledge and understanding. Encouraging scholarly dialogue, collaboration, and networking among researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the world. Advocating for the importance and relevance of language, literature, and culture studies in today's globalized, interconnected world. Providing a rigorous, fair, and transparent peer-review process to ensure the publication of high-quality, original research. We welcome submissions from scholars at all stages of their careers who are dedicated to advancing the fields of language, literature, and culture through their research, insights, and commitment to intellectual inquiry.